
动物福利 | ZOO GROUP非笼养承诺声明

2022-02-18 12:03


2022年 2月18日,ZOO GROUP正式对外宣布:ZOO GROUP承诺在2025年之前在中国大陆的所有门店将只针对非笼养鸡蛋进行采购。

ZOO GROUP创始人李京先生说:“通过与世界农场动物福利协会的合作,我们意识到目前有大量的农场动物仍然被关在笼子里; 他们为我们生产动物产品,为我们提供充足的食物,但是却没有得到应有的照顾。ZOO GROUP将持续关注它们,并为改善中国农场动物的福利做出努力。购买非笼养鸡蛋只是一个开始,未来我们将逐步完善我们的供应链,以采购更高福利的鸡肉、牛肉和猪肉。"

世界农场动物福利协会中国首席代表周尊国先生评论道:“很高兴看到 ZOO GROUP支持非笼养鸡蛋采购。这是消费者日益关注的一个新领域,无疑将提升ZOO的品牌形象。我们欢迎他们在改善农场动物福利的持续旅程中迈出积极的第一步,在未来我们也非常期待看到在ZOO GROUP的其他的业务领域中对更多种的动物做出进一步的福利承诺。"

Chongqing,February, 18th, 2022 --  ZOO GROUP, Inc. announced today their commitment to sourcing only cage-free eggs by 2025 for all their stores in Chinese Mainland.

Mr. Jing Li ,the founder of ZOO GROUP said: “By working with Compassion in World Farming International we are realizing that there are huge numbers of farm animals currently trapped in cages; they are producing animal products for us, but they are not getting the care they deserve. ZOO GROUP will continue to focus on them and contribute to improving the welfare of farm animals in China. Purchasing cage-free eggs is just the beginning, and we will gradually improve our supply chain to source higher-welfare chicken, beef, and pork in the future."

Jeff Zhou, CIWF China Chief Representative comments: “It is great to see ZOO GROUP  support to purchase cage-free eggs. This is an area of growing consumer concern and will no doubt enhance the brand’s image. We welcome this positive first step on their continuous journey to improve farm animal welfare and we look forward to further welfare commitments for other species and parts of their business in future.”

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